Read about how One World is building new connections
Our Mailing address:
One World Children’s Fund
P.O. Box 849129
Los Angeles, CA 90084-9129
To unite a philanthropic community in funding grassroots organizations that provide food, health, shelter, safety, education, and opportunity for children living in poverty around the world.
OUR services
One World helps grassroots organizations provide impactful services to their communities, now and for many years to come. We do this through fiscal sponsorship, educational programming, and grants focused on organizational resilience and sustainability. Read more.
Our Impact
We fiscally sponsor over $2.5M in donations annually on behalf of our grassroots members organizations that are lifting children, families, and their communities out of poverty. Our educational programs help grassroots leaders, their board members, and their staff navigate issues essential to organizational sustainability. We grant funds to our members to help them build strong organizations that can continue serving their communities far into the future. Check out our 2022 Annual Report.
Why International Grassroots?
Grassroots organizations possess the local knowledge needed to understand systemic problems in their communities and offer targeted solutions. Already interwoven into the social fabric, grassroots organizations have the trust, knowledge, and social capital required to effectively serve their communities.
While local solutions are typically the most effective and long-lasting, less than 6% of U.S. philanthropic giving goes directly to international grassroots organizations serving their own communities. In addition, educational programming for grassroots organizations and grants focused on grassroots organizational sustainability are rare in a philanthropic world primarily focused on supporting programs rather than strengthening the organizations that provide those programs.
“One World operates from a place of trust for the grassroots members that they work with. This is important because it gives grassroots members ‘street cred’ in donor spaces that allow them to access more funding for the work being done on the ground.”