Uganda is under a total lock down since 31st March 2020. In rural settings, children, youth, and women walk to distant wells two to four times a day. Most rural homes do not have soap and water which makes it difficult to practice regular hand washing as a key prevention measure. There is lack of information, protective gear, and basic necessities, such as medicine, food and water.
With schools closed, parents struggle to keep children engaged, as there are no reading materials in many homes in Uganda and little access to television, internet, and smart phones.
At Peerlink, our COVID-19 emergency support effort is focused on:
Making low-cost, reusable cloth face masks for distribution to vulnerable community members.
Making liquid soap, and procuring hand sanitizer and bar soap for distribution at key community meeting points, such as wells, health centers, and trading centers.
Development and dissemination of COVID-19 information materials in English and the local language.
Procurement and distribution of essential foods -- maize mill (posho), and rice and beans -- for distribution to households with children, youth, the elderly, and the sick.
Guiding parents and caregivers on weekly household-based indigenous oral literature activities, including folk tales, riddles, proverbs, music, dance, and drama.