
Empowering Youth Cambodia

Although COVID-19 took its time to reach Cambodia, the number of affected individuals is increasing daily. This increase has triggered the government to put in place strict measures, including restrictions on travel and the closure of schools, universities, and public venues.

The students we support, along with their families, are among those at the lower end of the society -- likelier to lose their jobs and income, more prone to have poor health, and not to be able to pay for medical care. Our community needs us now more than ever. We are making our schools accessible to those students who need online access for distance learning. Additionally, we are keeping our libraries open during certain hours so that the younger kids can borrow books to read at home.

Teachers and school managers are taking turns to ensure that proper hygiene practices are maintained at all times, including disinfecting the classrooms, computers, and libraries regularly and making soap and water accessible for everyone to wash their hands frequently. We are also preparing for any emergency medical needs that may arise, and we will endeavor to keep the medical clinics operational at the schools.